Tired, Heavy, Aching Legs in Naperville & Wheaton, IL

Tiredness, heaviness, and aching in the legs might seem like vague complaints that many people suffer from, but they are the symptoms most commonly reported and most closely associated with vein disease. They are also the first symptoms that patients report improvement in when the veins are diagnosed and treated properly. These symptoms arise from multiple processes that occur within the legs when you have vein disease, and they are often overlooked or ignored.

Venous insufficiency is often very slow and gradually progressive. When the symptoms first start to develop, especially symptoms such as heaviness and fatigue, we just assume that's how our legs are going to feel after a busy day of being on them and running around. As the symptoms worsen over time, we often attribute the increase in symptoms to just being part of the aging process. Often, once the underlying venous disease is treated, patients are surprised at how different the legs feel. It's almost like you can't appreciate how severe the symptoms were until you take them away, because you have learned to live with it.

When you have faulty valves and abnormal veins in the legs, blood does not exit the legs and return to the heart as efficiently as it should. The increased blood volume in the legs will contribute to the feeling of heaviness and fatigue. The blood in the veins is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide. This makes the blood slightly more acidic. The acidic blood staying in the legs longer than normal creates inflammation. This inflammation initially is confined to the vein, weakening the vein wall and allowing it to stretch and bulge. Eventually, it starts to effect the surrounding tissues, including the muscles. This will contribute to the feelings of aching, tiredness, and fatigue in the legs. Eliminating the abnormal veins in the legs allows the blood to flow more efficiently and exit the leg in a timely fashion, reducing the inflammation and heaviness associated with venous disease.

Contact our office at (630) 474-2600 to schedule an appointment today.

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